International Study Awards

Because of the generous donations of ASSAM’s supporters and our collective commitment to helping especially need-based students travel abroad to Ambrose’s Italy, we are able to provide some financial travel assistance.  In fact, we are currently working toward an endowed fund in honor of Michael Cristoforo, a fellow Ambrosian traveler who passed away in 2019.

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ASSAM will offer up to five partial awards for students with financial need.  Maximum award is $1,000.  These students will serve as interns for the academic year in which they are studying abroad.  Internship positions include:  Coordinator of Social Media, Event Coordinator, and “Busy Bee” interns who will serve under the coordinators.

Please consider making a donation to provide St. Ambrose University undergraduate scholars with the opportunity to study in "Ambrose's Italy" through our course or long-term internship in Milan.

Don't let financial constraints prohibit our best and brightest from having the sort of experience that will enrich their own lives and the lives of others.